Play in Fullscreen

The Browser version works fine to get an idea of the game, the downloaded version works and looks better and can save the game.

Alpha version of a roguelike deckbuilder in which you build a small medieval village. This version can already be played from beginning to end, but still lacks a lot of content to improve the replayability.


Archideck.jar 23 MB
ArchideckLinux.rar 175 MB
ArchideckWindows.rar 175 MB

Install instructions

If you have Java 8+ installed, just download the Archideck.jar. It will create two save files in the same folder it is in, so place it in its own folder if that would bother you otherwise.
If you don't have Java or the .jar didn't work, download and unpack the .rar for your specific OS, that one comes packaged with a working version of Java.

The game is only tested on Windows and Linux. Mac might work, but I have no way to confirm that.


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